President & CEO
Dale Krueger
Dale brings over 25 years experience to Tangible Assets LLC.
Dale has over 25 years experience in investment grade rare coins and rare, historical, commemorative medals. Dale has been an avid collector since the late 1960's. Initially, he focused on coins and by 2000 had assembled one of the finest and complete sets of Barber Quarters in the world (as noted in an April 14, 2000 press release by Heritage Auctions). In 1998, he happened across Goetz medals and was immediately hooked. Ever since then, Dale has enjoyed the fun and excitement of collecting these amazing masterpieces.
Quiet Success with Value and Growth
Tangible Assets LLC fills a valuable “void” in today’s capital markets for our asset partners, employees, and stakeholders that are seeking a solution to the needs of solid value with financial growth and safety. Tangible Assets LLC seeks rare, antique, historic, commemorative medals that offer hard asset alternatives based on sound principals of lasting value, portability, privacy, and growth. Today’s environment offers inconsistency, in many cases inadequate choices and “bubbles” that are about to burst.
For over 25 years, Tangible Assets, LLC (TALLC) has sought and successfully acquired value and profits with rare, antique, historic, commemorative medals. Surprisingly large and robust, but fragmented and inefficient, these medals markets offer a piece to the investment puzzle based on sound principals of lasting value, portability, privacy, and growth.
TALLC is not a fund, but instead operates on a deal-by-deal basis providing our partners concise and relevant information once a compelling medal or group of medals has been sourced and secured. The ability to navigate the “fragmented inefficient waters” of these markets, highlights the attributes of TALLC, and a clear business plan with compelling profits. We only acquire assets that meet our ridged requirements. We share all profits, if any, with our partners.
Given our broad base of asset management skills within the tangible asset business we are sometimes mandated by specific partners to search for a particular asset type, which we then acquire. We consistently seek and find quiet success with value and growth!
Make tangible assets a part of your portfolio. Partner with Tangible Assets LLC today!